
A Good Reputation

When you become a better storyteller, you become memorable. Every week, get one story and one actionable insight on how to use storytelling to build your reputation, connect with your ideal audience, attract opportunities, and get buy-in for your business or big ideas.

This is a good start

"Endings are simple, but every beginning is made by the beginning before." David Mitchell · Filmmaker Welcome to Issue 29 of A Good Reputation, a newsletter about how to use storytelling to grow your brand and get buy-in for your big ideas. (Did someone send you? Subscribe here.) ***Sending a few days late due to a bad taco situation. Don't worry—I am well again. I'll be back to my regularly scheduled Friday programming next week. Enjoy!*** Hello Reader, I’m in the middle seat at the back of...

Reflect on this

"You never realize that you are making a memory at the moment something is actually happening." Estée Lauder · American Business Leader Welcome to Issue 28 of A Good Reputation, a newsletter about how to use storytelling to grow your brand. (Did someone send you? Subscribe here.) Hello Reader, A friend messaged me recently about a problem I know all too well: She notices everything. So much so that when it comes time to tell a story, she doesn’t know which thread to follow. Every detail feels...
Stack of journals

A system for storytelling

"Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work." Gustave Flaubert · French Novelist Welcome to Issue 27 of A Good Reputation, a newsletter about how to use storytelling to grow your brand. (Did someone send you? Subscribe here.) Hello Reader, My mother laughed at me on the phone last week when I told her I might have a future as a personal organizer. “Oh really?” she said, mockingly. “That would not be my first choice for you.” Fair. Growing up, I...
A close up of a black keyboard with a red light

Building credibility vs oversharing

"If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done." Thomas Jefferson · President Welcome to Issue 26 of A Good Reputation, a newsletter about how to use storytelling to grow your brand. (Did someone send you? Subscribe here.) Hello Reader, I spoke in front of a conference room of a hundred founders this week and—although (I’m pretty sure) I played it cool—I was terrified. I spend most of Monday anxiously preparing for it and most of Tuesday wishing...

Actually, it is about you

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Thomas Edison · Inventor and Businessman Welcome to Issue 24 of A Good Reputation, a newsletter about a good brand move that helped grow a small business. (Did someone send you? Subscribe here.) Hello Reader, I deleted the post 20 minutes after I hit publish. I so desperately wanted to tell the world what had just happened. To expose myself and let the walls holding up this curated image come crumbling down. But—as soon as the...
person in blue denim jeans making clay pot

You're trying too hard

"If you let it, the struggle can become one of the most beautiful parts of the story." Whitney English · Mindful Tools for a Meaningful Life Welcome to Issue 24 of A Good Reputation, a newsletter about a good brand move that helped grow a small business. (Did someone send you? Subscribe here.) Hello Reader, I was singing to myself in the kitchen the other day when my daughter walked in and says, “Mom, you have such a pretty voice when you’re not trying.” “Thanks?” I respond. It’s the same...
orange megaphone on orange wall

Your story is good enough

"Great stories happen to those who can tell them." Ira Glass · This American Life Welcome to Issue 23 of A Good Reputation, a newsletter about a good brand move that helped grow a small business. (Did someone send you? Subscribe here.) Hello Reader, My 9-year-old broke my heart last night. She burst into my room around 10 pm—well past her bedtime—unable to catch her breath because she was sobbing so hard. The problem? Nobody picked her to be partners at P.E. No one ever picks her, she says....

Don't just build it, bring me in

“Good things take time. Better things take longer.” Sanhita Baruah · The Art of Healing Welcome to Issue 22 of A Good Reputation, a newsletter about a good brand move that helped grow a small business. (Did someone send you? Subscribe here.) Hello Reader, I know I’m not the only one guilty of looking for shortcuts when craving clarity. Of longing for that one good idea to strike—that instant breakthrough. I want to think it’s not my fault. That I’m just a product of a society that conditions...
round yellow fruit

What's your problem?

“A problem well stated is a problem half solved.” Charles Kettering · General Motors Welcome to Issue 21 of A Good Reputation, a newsletter about a good brand move that helped grow a small business. (Did someone send you? Subscribe here.) Hello Reader, Remember me? I haven’t sent a newsletter in a while. While I have an excuse, it’s not a good one. The simple truth is that I took on too much last month. Too much travel, too many events, too much speaking, and too many clients. (Actually, the...

More heart, less hacks

"We don't stand out by differentiation. We stand out by connection." Daniel Priestley · Author, Key Person of Influence Welcome to Issue 20 of A Good Reputation, a newsletter about a good brand move that helped grow a small business. (Did someone send you? Subscribe here.) Hello Reader, Be honest: How obsessed are you with efficiency? I get it. We have an obnoxiously small amount of time on this earth, and we’re afraid to waste it. In our work, efficiency is the driving force to automate...